Receptionist & Photographer
Mom to Theo
Maternity Leave: 2 months
Childcare: Brought to work

What did you struggle with most about returning to work after having your kids?
“I was struggling with everything. Finding a balance between work, being a mom, nursing, taking care of my husband and myself.”
I went back to work when my son was only (8) weeks old. That was all my job allowed. I was struggling with everything. Finding a balance between work, being a mom, nursing, taking care of my husband and myself. I had zero sleep, worked a full 8am- 6pm Monday-Thursday job, and tried to keep up with my side hustle (Photography). The best/worst part was, Theo was able to come to work with me. Everyone will say how amazing that is, and they're right. It was amazing. It also was VERY VERY difficult. I was working and being a mom at the same time. That left me with zero time to myself, ever. It was like mixing being a stay-at-home mom, but at a job where I needed to be professional. After returning to my job as a Receptionist, I had to put photography on hold. It was my true passion, but I couldn't do it all. Even though I tried.
What do you find difficult about being a working parent?
I feel as though my "working parent" difficulties are extremely different than those who go back to work without their child. Since Theo was with me, everything was difficult. I had to not only find a balance with him at work with me, but at home as well. Zero days off/zero minutes off, from both being a mom and working.

What do you enjoy about being a working parent?
Now that he is older, and just started daycare x2 a week, I have more time to focus on my true passion, photography. I am able to do sessions on weekends, and edit on my lunch break at job #1 when he's at daycare. The other two days with him at work with me still are a lot easier now that we have been doing it for so long.
After being back at work for some time, have your views about career and family changed?
Photography is a hobby that has turned into a career that allows me to create my own schedule to always put my son and husband first.
Absolutely! My husband and I are ready to kick my job as a Receptionist to the curb. I want more time with my son, and my husband. We want more children, and I cannot keep up this same routine with two little ones. Family will always trump my career. Photography is a hobby that has turned into a career that allows me to create my own schedule to always put my son and husband first.

Knowing what you know now, what’s one thing you wish you could go back in time and tell yourself as you were preparing to return to work or getting ramped up in your role?
Take as much maternity leave as you can, even unpaid. You will never regret that time with your newborn!! You can do anything, but not everything. Be easy on yourself as you transition into an entire new schedule.